“I feel I did not choose medicine but rather medicine chose me”

Since 1995: Academia

Harvard University

After receiving his Sc.D. in 1995, Dr. Trujillo remained at Harvard as a Research Associate in Neurovirology and Cell Biology until 2002. Trujillo held various distinguished academic positions at Harvard as a Researcher, Instructor, Lecturer, and Supervisor in the departments of neuroscience, immunology, neurovirology, and infectious diseases. He also played a key role in Harvard Medical exchange programs for Latin American students.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH)

In 2002, Dr. Trujillo was appointed as an intramural investigator at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH) USA. While at the NIH, he also served as a Senior Scientist Fellow and Supervisor for NIH Programs. Trujillo has also been an Ad Hoc Reviewer on several of their scientific editorial boards for the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of AIDS Research, NIH; National Institute of Child Health and Human Department, NIH. He was also the former Permanent Council Member of the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Research Committee at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH.

Student Exchange Program
Student Exchange Program
Institute of Human Virology (IHV) –University of Maryland

Dr Trujillo’s continued research in neurovirology and AIDS led him in 2005 to the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine where he worked closely with Dr Robert Gallo for several years in various positions, as a Visiting, Assistant and Adjunct professor, Head of the Laboratory of neurovirology and Director of Latin American Research in Virology and Neurosciences.

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)

Dr Trujillo has been closely associated with UANL since 1998, where he has been an Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Advisor for several Ph.D. Dissertations, Chair- World Health Committee and Member of the Scientific Advisory Board. From 2005 -2009, Dr. Trujillo was instrumental in the co-creation of the first “Center of Research and Development in Health Sciences (CIDICS)” at the UANL.  He provided oversight of the research programs and infrastructure development for CIDICS.

Lecture on Environmental diseases, UAEM
Lecture on Environmental diseases, UAEM
Lecture at Johns Hopkins Biotech Campus
Lecture at Johns Hopkins Biotech Campus
Other Academic Positions

Apart from Harvard, NIH, IHV and UANL Dr. Trujillo has been a professor since 1996 at several other distinguished Universities across Latin America, Asia, and the US. He held different positions over the course of his career. Dr. Trujillo was a Visiting Professor at Facultad de Medicina (UNAM) Mexico City; Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM); Full Professor of Medical Sciences, at Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara School of Medicine (UAG); Adjunct professor at the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition, Mexico City; Adjunct Professor at University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil; Guest Professor at the Shandong Institute of Virology, China​; Visiting Professor at Institute of Infectious Diseases, Emilio Ribas, São Paulo, Brazil;​ & Adjunct Professor at the Johns Hopkins University​, USA.

With Dr. Robert Gallo at IHV
With Dr. Robert Gallo at IHV
At a Conference with Dr. Gallo, Dr. Essex, Dr. Brian
At a Conference with Dr. Gallo, Dr. Essex, Dr. Brian

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