Research & Publications

Abstracts of key scientific research published in conference proceedings

Histopathological Findings on the Brains of an HIV-1 Transgenic Rat Model

Ortega-Martinez M, Jaramillo-Rangel G, Trujillo JR, Joseph Bryant J.
New England Science Symposium , Harvard Medical School, March 12, 2006, Boston, MA, USA.

A Novel Animal Model for the Study of AIDS and Non-AIDS Associated Skin disorders.

Cedeno-Laurent F, Trujillo JR, Bryant J.
New England Science Symposium , Harvard Medical School, March 12, 2006, Boston, MA, USA.

Human Progenitor Derived Astrocytes Phagocytized HIV-1 through Mannose Receptor.

Trujillo JR, Jensen P, Maric D, Major EO.
11th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections February 8-11, 2004. San Francisco, CA, USA.

An Immortalized Human Astrocyte Cell Line, SVG, Serves As a Novel Cell Culture Model for HIV-1 Production.

Trujillo JR, Boursiquot R, Maric D, Major EO.
First National HIV/AIDS/Other Related Infectious Diseases Research Conference, December 8th, 2003, Gabarone, Republic of Botswana.

The T-Tropic Sequence of the V3 loop is Critical for HIV-1 Infection of Astrocytes

Trujillo JR, McLane MF, Essex M.
First National HIV/AIDS/Other Related Infectious Diseases Research Conference, December 8th, 2003, Gabarone, Republic of Botswana.

The Mannose Receptor Mediates HIV-I Uptake into Macrophages and Microglia

Trujillo JR, Rogers R, Molina R, Dangond F, McLane MF, Essex M, Brain JD.
National Institutes of Health 4th Annual Hispanic Scientist Day & Poster Session, NIH, October 9, 2003, Bethesda, MD USA.

The T-Tropic Sequence of the V3 loop is Critical for HIV-1 Infection of Astrocytes.

Trujillo JR, McLane MF, Essex M.
National Institutes of Health 4th Annual Hispanic Scientist Day & Poster Session, NIH, October 9, 2003, Bethesda, MD USA.

An Immortalized Human Astrocyte Cell Line, SVG, Serves As a Novel Cell Culture Model for HIV-1 Production.

Trujillo JR, Boursiquot R, Maric D, Major EO.
National Institutes of Health 4th Annual Hispanic Scientist Day & Poster Session, NIH, October 9, 2003, Bethesda, MD USA.

The T-Tropic Sequence of the V3 loop is Critical for HIV-1 Infection of Astrocytes.

Trujillo JR, McLane MF, Essex M.
Viral and Host Genetic Factors Regulating HIV/CNS Disease, October 2002 Washington D.C., USA.

HIV-1 Molecular Mimicry and Neuronal Apoptosis. Neuroscience of HIV Infection 2000.

Trujillo JR, Essex M, Brain JD.
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 22-24 June 2000. Edinburgh, Scotland.

The V3 Loop of gp120 And CXCR4 are Critical For HIV-1 Infection of Human Lung Epithelial Cells.

Goletiani NG, Brain JD, Essex M, Trujillo JR.
1999 Meeting of the Institute of Human Virology, August 28-September 2, 1999. Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Shared Antigenic Epitopes Between V3 Loop of HIV-1 gp120 and Activated Human T-Cells Proteins

Brain JD, Rogers R, Trujillo JR.
International Symposium on HIV, Leukemia, and Opportunistic Cancers, May 23-28, 1999. Marrakech, Morocco.

The T-Tropic HIV-1 V3 Loop Determines Infection of Lung Epithelial Cells.

Goletiani NG., Brain JD. , Essex M, Trujillo JR.
International Symposium on HIV, Leukemia, and Opportunistic Cancers, May 23-28, 1999. Marrakech, Morocco

The Neurotropic Nature of HIV-1

Trujillo JR, Brain JD, Essex M.
International Symposium on HIV, Leukemia, and Opportunistic Cancers, May 23-28, 1999. Marrakech, Morocco.

The V3 Loop of gp120 And CXCR4 are Critical For HIV-1 Infection of Human Colon Epithelial Cells

Trujillo JR, Goletiani NV., Bosch I, Kendrick C, Trujillo EB., Essex M, Brain JD.
International Symposium on HIV, Leukemia, and Opportunistic Cancers, May 23-28, 1999. Marrakech, Morocco.

The Common Molecular Determinants of HIV-1 Tropism for Human Colonic cells and Astrocytes.

Trujillo JR, Meek B, Brain JR.
12th World AIDS Conference, June 28-July 3, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland.

Share antigenic Epitopes on the V3 loop of HIV-1 gp120 and Neuronal Cells

Goletiani NV, Kendrick C, Delamonte S, Navia B, Brain JD, Trujillo JR.
12th World AIDS Conference, June 28-July 3, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland.

The Common Molecular Virology of HIV-1 Tropism in “HIV-1 Wasting Syndrome” and “AIDS Dementia Complex”.

Trujillo EB, Trujillo JR, Brain JD.
American Academy of Neurology, April 12-29, 1997. Boston, MA, USA

Common Antigenic Epitopes on HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop and Human T-Cell Proteins.

Trujillo JR, Rogers RA, Brain JD.
Foundations of HIV Therapy. March 13-16, 1997 Palm Springs CA, USA

Animal Models of Respiratory Infection: Airborne Transmission and Individual Susceptibility.

Brain JD, Ress DD, Trujillo JR.
6th. International Inhalation Symposium.. February 24-28, 1997 Hannover, Germany

Molecular mimicry in HIV-1 Neuropathogenesis: Human Antibodies that Bind to gp120 V3 loop and Human Brain Proteins (HBP).

Trujillo JR, MF McLane, S de la Monte, B, Navia, Brain JD, Essex M.
NeuroScience of HIV Infection Basic Research and Clinical Frontiers. March 8, 1996, Paris, France.

Anti-HIV-1 gp120 antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with AIDS Dementia Complex

Trujillo JR, Navia BA, Worth J, Lucey DR, McLane MF, Lee TH, Essex M.
47th. American Academy of Neurology, May 11, 1995, Seattle WA, USA

Serodiagnostic Profiles of HIV-1 From Nigeria.

Offor E, McLane MF, Trujillo JR, Kanki P, Essex M.
Tenth International Conference on AIDS. Augost 7-12, 1994. Yokahama, Japan.

Molecular Mimicry between the V3 loop of HIV-1 gp120 and endogenous human proteins.

Trujillo JR, McLane MF, Lee TH, Essex M.
Tenth International Conference on AIDS. August 7-12, 1994. Yokahama, Japan.

Physician and Scientist, in neuroscience and molecular virology