"Once a brain is damaged, it cannot be repaired "- a statement that changed my life.

Dr. Trujillo believes uncertainty is a catalyst for creative solutions. In his scientific career, he has centered his work on finding medical solutions for incurable diseases, especially those related to the brain. His curiosity about the human brain developed in medical school after learning that “once a brainis damaged, it cannot be repaired”. His focus since has been on brain research and finding treatments for diseases associated with it. He calls this endeavor ‘Curing the Incurable’.

Curing the Incurable

Dr. Trujillo’s purpose has led him to significant discoveries and innovations in neuroscience. His initial years during the AIDS epidemic were spent studying the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and its effects on the brain which resulted in the publication of several scientific findings. One of his discoveries also served as the basis for a vaccine against the disease. During his research on HIV, he came across the human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical cancer. His passion for finding solutions to incurable diseases led him to co-develop a treatment and prevention device for cervical cancer.

In his continued goal to find cures for the brain, he was drawn to discoveries in biomedical technology and spent years in translation research in brain regeneration technology. His current work in regenerative medicine focuses on developing potential treatment protocols for non-progressive neurological diseases.

Dr. Trujillo’s pioneering contributions to regenerative medicine will revolutionize the status quo of brain healthcare. His efforts will help change the way we think about the brain and its potential.

“I feel I did not choose medicine but rather medicine chose me”